3 de 5
6 valoraciones


En este curso aprenderás todas las técnicas novedosas de la cosmética Korena que esta revolucionando el mundo de los tratamientos faciales.
Con este curso te puedes convertir en un experto obteniendo los mejores resultados y monetizar de forma inmediata lo aprendido y ganar más clientes.

¿Qué es el BB Glow?

El BB Glow es un tratamiento facial originario de Corea, se siente como si tuvieras una piel aterciopelada. El resultado de esta piel tipo aterciopelada se nota de inmediato y, para conseguir los resultados más profundos, es recomendable tener 4 sesiones cada 15 días y los resultados llegan a durar de 6 meses a 1 año.

El BB Glow se realiza mediante la técnica del microneedling, una terapia no invasiva de inducción que consigue, con micropunciones, que los productos penetren en las capas más profundas de nuestra piel.

Main Features

  • Achieve Hollywood best quality visuals out of the box.
  • With complete C++ source code access, you can study.
  • Comes with designer-friendly Blueprint visual scripting.
  • Unreal Engine provides Robust Multiplayer Framework.
  • The built-in Cascade visual effects editor enables particles.
  • Unreal Engine 4’s Material Editor makes use of physically-based.

What is the target audience?

  • You might be thinking, all of the above – and that is fine. But as a complete beginner learning Unreal Engine 4.
  • The rendering system in Unreal Engine 4 is an all-new, DirectX 11 pipeline that includes deferred shading.

Learning a new game engine as a complete beginner is very intimidating. There are a lot of tutorials, documentation and advice already out but how do you start and proceed with learning Unreal Engine 4 is unclear. You get pulled into many different directions and end up confused and overwhelmed.

I have spent a lot of time deconstructing what it takes to learn a game engine from scratch. What it is that you should focus on first and what you should avoid until later.

Starting Course

Nvidia New Technologies Slides
15 minutes

Welcome to your first slider tutorial. This slides will start with a simple introduction. Then, You will open up google cause I"ll show you where you can download the blender software and which version of it will we be using in the entire course period.

Note: The download link is available with the lecture, plus the .pdf file is also included for you to download if you still need help downloading the software. 

Engine Target Audience
Quiz: Mobile / Native Apps
5 preguntas

After Intro

Realistic Graphic on UE4
Volta GPU for optimization.
14 Minutes

The Tensor Core GPU Architecture designed to Bring AI to Every Industry. Equipped with 640 Tensor Cores, Volta delivers over 100 teraflops per second (TFLOPS) of deep learning performance, over a 5X increase compared to prior generation NVIDIA Pascal architecture.

Deep Learning
3 de 5
6 Clasificaciones

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Acceso en el móvil y en la televisión


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed